Keep reading for more information.

Having to deal with in-between hair is not the most fun you can have in the morning. Having your hair at a middle phase of growing is one of the most frustrating beauty problems out there. There are however solutions to help you style your in-between hair without stress. Using inexpensive items, you can get the look you want while waiting for your hair to grow.

The first thing you need to do when dealing with in-between hair is to accept your hair for what it is. Admit that there is only so much you can do with your hair at this stage of growing. Once you accept your hair stage then you can decide to find looks that flatter your face and your hair. You can look at fashion magazines of models with hair comparable to yours. You can also look at women on the street with hair similar to yours for style inspiration. This will help you get a few ideas to try. Sit at home on an uneventful evening or weekend and experiment with different styles. You will be surprised at the results.

When it comes to styling in-between hair, accessories can be your best friend. If you have a short do that is not long enough to pull into a ponytail, then you probably think there is no hope for you. There are however many hair accessories that work wonders on short hair. One of the best accessories is the basic bobby-pin. The bobby-pin now comes in stylish varieties. You can find them with sparkly butterflies attached or in many different colors. You can also still find the traditional bobby-pins if you want to go for a more natural approach. You can use these pins to tuck hair up at the sides. You can also use them for pinning hair up in the back. Smaller bobby-pins can help you sweep short hair up completely.

Another option for hair that is not quite grown out yet is the butterfly clip. These clips come in many different sizes. The shorter your hair is, the smaller the clip should be. Use these clips to sweep hair off of your face. They too can be found in a variety of different colors and styles. They are easy on your hair and won't cause new or old hair to break during your growing.

If you cannot find any hair accessory that will do your hair justice, think about using a cover-up accessory. Cover-up accessories include hats and scarves. You can throw on any kind of hat with an outfit and hide your hair completely. You can do the same with scarves. Try different techniques with your scarf to get the best look possible. These items are perfect on a morning when you have overslept and need to get out of the house in less than ten minutes.

Appliances are also useful when trying to style in-between hair. If you are trying to let your layers grow out, you might want to try curling your hair. Curly hair shows layer growth much less than straight hair. This will let you hide your layers a bit. Use hot rollers or a curling iron for best results. You may even like the curls so much that you want a perm until your growth is where you desire it to be. Flat irons are great for shorter hair as well. Some short pixie style hair tends to get a bit frizzy. Narrow flat irons are perfect for styling your hair when it is short.

Using the right products is also the key to getting a great style from in-between hair. If your hair is getting frizzy in all the wrong places, try using a straightening gel as soon as you get out of the shower. This will help get your hair smoother and straighter. You can also use a deep conditioner to avoid frizz. To help stimulate hair growth, be sure you are massaging your head while you shampoo for at least two minutes. Don't be afraid to massage aggressively, although it should not be painful.

Use these tips to help you get through the in-between hair stages. Remember that your hair will grow faster than you might expect, so you won't have to be stressed about it for long. You may even begin to enjoy your new in-between style options.