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Your mechanical and electrical items and other pieces of equipment are subjected to constant wear and tear. They require constant observation and maintenance.

Frequent preventive maintenance including cleaning and oiling will ensure that they continue to work in tip-top condition. Serious cleaning, refitting and maintenance would be required once in a while. This reduces the occurrence of having to do major repairs, and in a worst case scenario, the complete breakdown of a piece of equipment.

As the hourly rates of repair technicians get exorbitant, their availability is decreasing. Thus, more and more people are resorting to do-it-yourself kits for carrying out minor and sometimes even complicated repairs and maintenance in the home.

A wealth of information and instructions are attainable from many manufacturers, dealers and other enthusiasts about handling repair and maintenance jobs on your own. This includes the complete design, assembly and parts information of the mechanical items and even ways to build them. Common problems and routine maintenance and repair instructions are also given along with the tools that are required to handle the job. This kind of information is easily available in bookstores, most of the home-store dealers and also on the internet.

Although such information is available, you should unceasingly be cautious while handling mechanical and electrical items. Wear appropriate safety gear for the work involved. Ensure that you have tool kits and aids readily available in case of any emergency.

Unceasingly listen for unusual sounds or noises before touching or opening items like fans, heating equipment and other machines. Check to ensure that the machine is not operating. If an electrical item smells burnt or emits steam, be cautious and ensure safety before you proceed. Before unscrewing or opening an electrical or a mechanical item or equipment, do an observation check from the different sides. Check for unusual activities, smells or sounds. If necessary, tap the item at appropriate places using a spanner or touch it slightly to observe for heat.

Lastly, if you are unsure about what you see or perceive, it is always better to call the expert.