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High cholesterol does not have to be a major life-changing event. If you are experiencing high cholesterol & you are having a real problem getting your cholesterol under control medication may be the key for your personal needs. High cholesterol is brought about by a mixture of things, such as the additional stress in your life, being overweight, and not getting any exercise in your life. If you have seen your family doctor and you have had a blood test saying that you have high cholesterol, you first need to ask for all the answers before deciding to take medications.

The answers about high cholesterol are going to involve what are your additional choices besides medication. While there are never going to be any easy answers, you can try as many methods as you like, while under the supervision of your doctor. Having a doctor watch, your medical condition while you try alternative methods of lowering your cholesterol is going to give you a better overall glance at what is really working for your body. While some people find medications are right for their needs, other people are going to want to try the alternatives first.

A few types of medications used for controlling high cholesterol are mevacor, zocor, and lipitor. If your doctor recommends your taking any type of medication to lower your cholesterol, you will most likely find that one of these 3 medications is just what you will get. Often times, if a doctor feels that your cholesterol levels are a little high, they will offer you additional advice on exercise and dieting. While dieting is going to help control your cholesterol it is also important to remember that cholesterol is also made in your body everyday, and only exercise and medications are going to control that part of your high cholesterol levels.

If you are having a test done on your cholesterol levels, the doctor is going to talk to you about you LDL levels. Your doctor will explain the LDL levels. The LDL levels in your blood can be controlled and lowered by up to forty percent when using medications. If you are not overweight and you are exercising while watching the fat and cholesterol foods you are eating, and you still have out of control cholesterol, check with your doctor about the type of medication they recommend for your body.