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The foods and cholesterol you eat have a direct relation on the cholesterol in your blood stream over the course of your lifetime. If you find that your cholesterol has been rising you need to learn to change your diet and get a hold on those numbers as fast as you can. Making the change is going to be easy once you realize what foods are good for you and what foods cause your cholesterol to rise even more.

Eating on the run is perpetually a problem and does lead to additional problems if you are seeking to lower your cholesterol and at least look more closely at what you are eating all the time. Sandwiches are a big thing, when you are on the go and on the run. If you want to add some additional methods of lowering your cholesterol to your on the go diet, here are a few ideas for your use: be certain to use rye or wheat breads. White breads and white rolls are not going to help you in your quest to lower your cholesterol. If you have to eat lunchmeats or deli meats, look for and buy meats that are fat free or at least low fat. This is going to give you better meals than the regular deli meats and the prepackaged lunch meats that are attainable almost everywhere.

If you are cooking meals, save the turkey or chicken that, you cook and cut them up into strips for sandwiches later. You even freeze these types of meat and still have a great sandwich in just minutes. In making all types of sandwiches, you are going to have to stay away from regular dressings and regular mayonnaise. Try the fat free, calorie free or at least lower cholesterol types of dressings for your new diet. Read the back of the label to learn exactly how much cholesterol is in that tablespoon you are adding to that sandwich.

If you want to have a variety in the sandwiches you are eating, try adding a bit of pita bread to the sandwiches you are eating and you will find adding all the vegetables to the sandwich is going to help you feel fuller and help cut your cholesterol at the same time. Add onions and peppers wherever you can to add that extra taste without the added cholesterol to your diet. All fruit jelly is going to be a great addition to wheat or rye bread even without the peanut butter and you try that sometime as well.