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You cannot invariably avoid making web hosting mistakes, but it helps if you learn from your mistakes. There are two kinds of mistakes that you can make. The first is technical mistakes; and the second is general management mistakes.

The technical mistakes arise on account of lack of understanding of the net and how it works. Most companies try to cram each web page with information and photographs. They don't realize that heavy pages take longer to download. They also don't realize that a customer may be lost on a page that is not properly organized. The purpose of a website is lost if a customer is unable to locate the product or information of his interest.

Another common error is building a site that ignores search engine needs. The result is that search engines don't list the site in their search results. Internet browsers don't learn about the existence of the site and the site stays unknown.

A few individuals host sites with companies that are not scalable. The result is that the site refuses to grow. Scalability is an important criterion to be kept in mind while hosting sites. Otherwise, the site is unable to accept new visitors when the traffic peaks.

On the business side, it is important to make a definite business plan and to stick to it. The business plan should not be abandoned if the business progresses slowly in the beginning. Also, the plan must ensure spending on marketing. You must define your target group and invest in advertising, which targets them. Patience and persistence are needed, because you may not get immediate results. Networking with family, friends and co-workers also helps. Make yourself visible to the online communities. Avoid spamming, which has a negative effect.

You can also take the help of the Small Business Administration which will provide you with loans, advice and resources. You need to be patient and re-invest in your business. It takes time to be successful. Make a budget and keep track of your cash flow. Before you pay yourself a high salary or aquire a car, consider whether you can really afford it.

Don't blindly copy everything the competition does. Try to be creative and do things your own way. If you copy the competition, you will always be one step behind them and may end up going out of business before them.