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If you are planning to construct a new home for your family, it's the perfect opportunity prevent indoor air pollution problems before they start. To make sure that you avoid exposure to indoor air pollution, you must give special attention to potential indoor air pollution sources and the air exchange rate in your new home.

It's crucial to express your concerns about indoor air pollution to your architect and contractor. If you can enlist their cooperation, that will make successfully avoiding indoor air pollution much more likely. You need to specify the purchase of building materials and furnishings that emit only low levels of pollutants if any at all, and also express your desire to provide adequate ventilation in your new home.

Ventilation standards are express in air changes per hour (ach). To make home more energy efficient, many consumer and industry groups recommend low ventilation rates (like 0.35 ach) for new homes. If your home is constructed to a tight ventilation standard, then you may need to take special care to prevent the buildup of indoor air pollution.

Insist on the use of radon-resistant construction techniques. Contact the EPA for more information about these techniques.

Use building materials and furnishings that contribute only minimal amounts of pollutants. Use solid wood products if possible. Otherwise, use exterior-grade pressed wood products, even indoors.

If you install wall-to-wall carpet on concrete, you must ensure that an effective moisture barrier is installed first. Provide proper drainage approximately the house and seal the foundation.

Investigate the use of mechanical ventilation systems that are designed to efficiently bring outdoor air into the home. Make sure that combustion appliances like fireplaces, furnaces and heaters are proper vented and adequately ventilated.

Diligent efforts to reduce indoor air pollution sources and increase home ventilation during the construction of your new home will pay off dividends for years in improved health and lower repair costs.