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Unlike dogs, a cat's bite is worse than its mew. You are rarely warned, and can become victims of cat bites even while playing with a house cat. The bite wounds need to be treated immediately to avoid further complications. This is because a cat's teeth are razor sharp and the bites can be quite hard and deep. They can lead to infections and even bone inflammation.

Generally, the teeth of a feline tend to slice into your flesh making a tiny hole. This, in medical terminology, is known as puncture wounds. More often than not, this wound will get infected. If, however, the bite draws blood, the risk of infection is greatly reduced because the contaminated saliva tends to flow out along with the blood. But this happens rarely.

The most important rule to remember is that the infected area needs to be cleaned immediately with an anti-bacterial solution and lukewarm water. This will limit pain and possible inflammation. For serious bites, a surgical solution such as Betadine should be applied or soothing Epsom salts used to soak the infected area. Serious bites should be tended to by a professional; ideally at a clinic or a hospital. The basic concept is to sterilize the bite so it doesn't give any serious trouble.

Why do cats bite? There is no 1 reason for a feline to get agitated and start attacking, Cats generally bite when they are nervous, confused or anxious. A cat that is in familiar territory is less likely to attack than a lost cat. In addition, if you work in a cat-filled environment, then you are likely to receive a nasty nip once in a way. It is perpetually useful to carry with you an emergency bite treatment pack comprising of an antibiotic ointment, liquid disinfectant and clean cotton swabs.

A helpful option when dealing with agitated or lost cats is the car-carrier option. Amid an unfamiliar surrounding, most cats are highly likely to rush into the comfort of a recognizable cat carrier, and there need be no exchange of tooth and claw involved in the process!

In a reverse situation, if your pet feline gets into a scuffle and you suspect it has been bitten by another cat, you still need to take quick action before the bacteria infects the cat's system. If the wound is not bleeding, clean it gently with warm water and an antibiotic ointment; else rush your pet to the vet without further delay.